
Heroes of the storm ui mods
Heroes of the storm ui mods

heroes of the storm ui mods

Please also note that there are no pictures for Comandante Generals as they do not appear in the Great People window. These are pictures of GPs that are available in the base game only (inc.

heroes of the storm ui mods

Please note that the mod does NOT add any new Great People. Pictures also appear in the Civilopedia (ex. Previously Recruited page allows for filtering by GP class or civ. Prophets are not in the middle of the window anymore, so the annoying space when they're all recruited is gone GP progress is shown for all civs and sorted by turns to get the GP. Comandante Generals, see note below), a total of 203 icons. Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm, Hero Mode, CQUI, Concise UI.

  • New version 4.0 as of 22.11 - Updated for Babylon Pack and added Linux support.

  • Heroes of the storm ui mods